

All Project I've Created

I've created a few project while i was learing about frontend website development. and all of project i'll explain below

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Portfolio V1

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React JS

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This is my first portfolio website that I created using React JS and Bootstrap. This website is a website that can display information about me, my skills, my experiences, my projects and my contact information.

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Weather Forcaste

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react Js

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This is a website that I created using React JS and Tailwind CSS. This website is a website that can display weather information in a city. This website uses the OpenWeatherMap API to get weather information.

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React JS

YoDoo is a website that I created using React JS. This website is a simple to do list application. This website allows users to add, edit, delete, and mark as done their tasks. This website aims to help users manage their daily activities and goals in an easy and fun way.

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Arti Discord Bot

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discord Js

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Node Js

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Arti is a Discord bot that I created using Discord JS, Node JS and MongoDB. This bot can do many things, such as playing music, displaying information about the server, displaying information about the user, and many more.

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